The significance of this study stems from scheduling physical education classes according to pairing and re-grouping techniques when applied to training with interest and motivation. It is common that these techniques aim at improving and re-enforcing kinetic skills and physical qualification.The two aims of this study read as follows:1. Identifying the effect of applying pairing and re-grouping techniques improving and re-enforcing kinetic skills and physical qualification of basketball players.2. Identifying the significant differences between the pre-tests and posttests given to both experimental groups with reference to kinetic skills and physical qualification of basketball attacks.The researchers have held the following hypotheses:1. There might possibly be statistically significant differences between the results of the posttests and pre-tests and the difference in favour of the former.2. There might possibly be statistically significant differences between the results of the posttests and pre-tests in favour of the former as far as re-grouping techniques are concerned.It has been concluded here that the technique of re-grouping affects positively with reference to kinetic skills and physical qualification of basketball players of the third-year intermediate pupils of Iraq.The research work ends with the following recommendations:1. Pairing and re-grouping had better be followed in physical education classes Pairing and re-grouping to improve kinetic skills and physical qualification of basketball players of the first-year intermediate pupils of Iraq.2. To improve physical qualification, one had better follow the re-grouping technique whereas the repairing technique will be the best to develop physical skills of those who play basketball among the Iraqi first-year intermediate pupils .
تنبع أهمية هذه الدراسة من جدولة دروس التربية البدنية وفقًا لتقنيات التزاوج وإعادة التجميع عند تطبيقها في التدريب مع الاهتمام والدافعية. من الشائع أن تهدف هذه التقنيات إلى تحسين وتعزيز المهارات الحركية والكفاءة البدنية
تقنيات -مهارات