It is tried in the present study to conduct a contrastive investigation for criticality in Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Genre Analysis through intertextuality in American and Arabic political discourses. After establishing the theoretical bases for Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Genre Analysis, intertextuality is studied in the discourses under study to identify how criticality functions differently . Two techniques of intertextuality, namely, quoting and mentioning names are adopted to identify intertextuality. The present study shows the ways in which intertextuality is applied critically according to Critical Discourse Analysis to make a social change. Then, the way in which intertextuality is applied critically according to Critical Genre Analysis is investigated as a means to offer a deeper understanding and comprehension. Being contrastive, the present study shows different preferences of intertextual techniques for both English and Arabic samples. The techniques of mentioning names and using their quotations are preferred in the American sample whereas applying the religious quotations and poetry are preferred in the Arabic sample.