Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad
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Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad

Volumes and Issues





















About the Journal


Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad (J Fac Med Baghdad) is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly (April, July, October, and December) by the College of Medicine, University of Baghdad.

The Journal provides an Open Journal System powered by PKP as a communication platform for researchers, physicians, and medical workers in different aspects of medicine and basic medical sciences worldwide. It accepts original articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, short communications, and editorials in all fields relevant to medicine.

Historically, this journal is the first medical journal in the Middle East. The journal was established in December 1935 under the name (The Journal of the Royal Faculty of Medicine of ‘Iraq) by the Royal Medical College (founded at the end of 1927). The first five volumes were published only in Arabic and approved by the council of the college as a general journal dealing with the news of the college and a few scientific articles to encourage the teaching staff for research publication. It disseminated official information on the progress of the health sector and strengthened the link between the medical family in Iraq and the health authorities.

In addition to the Arabic section that contained official information of the medical family, an English section was launched in 1941. The English section contained research dealing with all the medical facts and discoveries that were relevant to the country in order to combat communicable and endemic diseases in the Kingdom of Iraq. The publication continued until the end of 1957, when it had to be discontinued due to a shortage of material.

In 1959, Prof. Dr. Faisal Al-Sabih became the journal\'s editor-in-chief, restructured the journal, changed its name to The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad, and used a new scientific system to publish articles.

A new series began in January 1959. According to this, time for research and facilities were being available for staff members. A section introducing the activities and achievements of various school departments was included. The journal supplied useful reading for the Iraqi medical profession and conveyed to colleagues abroad to better understand the activities that had hitherto rarely been available outside Iraq.

The journal has continued to be published regularly without interruption (four issues during the year). The journal became registered with the International Number (ISSN) in 2000 and entered many important international indexes.

After 2003, the journal continued despite the difficulties involved in every aspect of the country. By the beginning of 2004, the journal had progressed through a series of changes to reach a level recognized internationally.

In 2018, the journal became published online with the same edited issues.

The founders of the journal, whether Iraqis or other nationalities who contributed to managing this journal and publishing it, have chronicled the periods of development of medicine in Iraq, taking into consideration that the research that was published in it was receiving global echo as it was a rich source for foreigners, researchers, and many of their articles and dissertations on researchers published in this journal.

Journal Scope

The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad aims to advance knowledge generation, innovation, and dissemination of different medical sciences of the highest ethical standards, provide evidence-based insights, and enhance collaboration among healthcare professionals from other disciplines.

Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad publishes articles within the scope of clinical medical disciplines, basic medical sciences, and public health.

The journal accepted all Original Research Articles, Case Reports, Short Communications, Review Articles, Letters to the Editor and Editorial.

Open Access Policy

The journal is an open-access journal; therefore, there are no applied fees for downloading, rereading, and sharing of the published papers by professors, instructors, researchers, and interested workers. Since the journal applies for the

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The next generation of researchers may be educated thanks to the CC BY license, which makes it simple to reuse research article content in lectures and textbooks.

In order to make the material more accessible to a wider range of users, the CC BY license facilitates the adaptation and translation of pertinent content by other organizations.

Copyright Notice

Editorial Board Members


Adil A. Noaimi
Adil A. Noaimi Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department. of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad. Baghdad- Iraq.

Adnan A. Alrubaye
Adnan A. Alrubaye Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Poultry Science University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Rand R. Hafidh
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rand R. Hafidh Dr. (دكتوراه)

Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

Ayad A. Atra
Ayad A. Atra Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Pediatric Hematologist / Oncologist Unit, the Harley Street Clinic (HCAHealthcare UK, London.

Bassam M. Sadik Al-Musawi
Bassam M. Sadik Al-Musawi Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq.

David Gillatt
David Gillatt Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Health and Human Science, Faculty of Medicine Health and Human Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Faiq I. Gorial
Faiq I. Gorial Dr. (دكتوراه)

Department of Rheumatology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad., Baghdad, Iraq.

Giustino Varrassi
Giustino Varrassi Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Paolo Procacci Foundation, Frazione San Vittorino, Aquila, Rom, Italy.

Hikmet Jamil
Hikmet Jamil Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of. Family Medicine, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University.

Mahdi Shafiee Sabet
Mahdi Shafiee Sabet Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Neurologist at Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Mohammed A H Jabarah
Mohammed A H Jabarah Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department. of Pharmacology, College of Medicine- University of Baghdad, Baghdad-Iraq.

Nada Alward
Nada Alward Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

WHO/Middle East Regional Office, Amman, Jorden

Najah R. Hadi
Najah R. Hadi Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, College of Medicine, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq.

Nasir Al-Allawi
Nasir Al-Allawi Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Pathology, University of Dhouk, Kurdistan region, Iraq.

Omar S. Khattab Alomar
Omar S. Khattab Alomar Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department. of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad- Iraq.

Philipp Sommer
Philipp Sommer Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Electrophysiology, Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen ,Germany.

Prof. Dr. Mazin F. Farhan Al-Jadiry
Prof. Dr. Mazin F. Farhan Al-Jadiry Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Deptartment of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

Salman A. Rawaf
Salman A. Rawaf Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department. of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London, United Kingdom.

Tahseen I. Al-Saleem
Tahseen I. Al-Saleem Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Pathology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Yousef S. Khader
Yousef S. Khader Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Jordan University of Science and Technology,


Prof. Dr. Faris H. Al Lami Dr. (دكتوراه) , Professor (استاذ)

Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad- Iraq.

Contact Info

Mobile Number: 009647709826825

Principal Contact

Prof. Faris Hassan Al Lami,

Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

Ass. Prof. Dr. Rand R. Hafidh, 

Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

Support Contact

Editorial secretary of the journal 
Chief Interpreter Batool Khazal
Assist. Lect. Zaidoon H. Jabbar